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Printing white on black background wastes a lot of ink. I suggest you offer an inverse selection at least on print, where there will be a white background with black parts and routing,
Brooks Solveig
I'm also curious to understand - why do you need to print your schematic?
Brooks Solveig: I share my schematic all the time and necessary electronically. Every other schematic capture I have used is a white background
Brooks Solveig
sjh: With Flux, you can share your schematic digitally by copying its URL. This has some benefits - those you share it with will always see the most up to date schematic, they can comment directly on it, and interact with the simulation. Can you tell me more about why you'd want to share a static image rather than a live circuit?
Brooks Solveig
You should be able to export your schematic as an image, and you can print that. Find this option undo the Flux menu in your project. That said, we have a more robust export feature planned. Please follow up here if the existing export flow doesn't meet your needs.
Brooks Solveig: This doesn't meet my need because the part browser and property page consume about 40% of my page making the schematic hard to rerad
Brooks Solveig
sjh: Check out this export feature, shown in the attached screenshot. This should solve your problem.
I saw the image below and it works as far as it goes. I still want whit background. I should not have to go through these hoops just to print/
Brooks Solveig
sjh: Totally hear ya that you want a white background. We have an upgrade to the export feature which will solve this, but it isn't at the top of our list at this moment.
And just so I'm clear, you're not actually printing this thing out on a printer, are you? You're just sharing images online, right?
Brooks Solveig: Yes I am printing it.
Brooks Solveig
sjh: Ok got it. And why are you printing it out? Understanding this will help me build a better feature for your use case.
Brooks Solveig: We generally discourage laptops at meetings. Spend to much time looking down instead of up. Used a projector but ppl prefer to have a copy to follow along
Brooks Solveig
sjh: Oh wow, super interesting! Thanks for sharing.