1. following https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPsfD8qol6g
  2. https://www.flux.ai/adriantp/lm339-broken
  3. drag the part into itself in order to update the pin locations
  4. logo menu > part updates > all > receive latest drafts
  5. click on a pin to update its location
  6. "Something bad happened and Flux cannot save your work." (see flux-attachment-1.png)
  7. start from scratch with https://www.flux.ai/adriantp/lm339-take-2
  8. symbol won't load (see flux-attachment-2.png)
  9. hard refresh (cmd-shift-r)
  10. symbol loads
  11. change pin location
  12. "Something bad happened and Flux cannot save your work." (see flux-attachment-3.png)
in each case, frequent (but not consistent) errors in js console and network tab of browser dev tools: 422 error from HTTP POST to https://api-iam.intercom.io/messenger/web/events {"type":"error.list","request_id":"00045sjc8abs1eg9nulg","errors":[{"code":"422","message":"Cannot have more than 120 active event names"}]}
same problem before and after os and browser update.