Gretel Bot
in progress
Hi Andree
I can try to restore a good version of your project for you while we try to fix the root cause of the issue.
Do you remember when you lost all your traces?
Hi Andree Malave
So sorry that you lost all your routing and are unable to use version control to revert to a good version of the project. Could you please share a link to the project so that we can take a look?
Andree Malave
collinsemasi sure;
Andree Malave: Thanks for sharing the link. Since the project is private to you, could you also please give user "Support" access to the project.
You can do that by following this steps:
- Open the project
- Click the sharebutton at the top right side of the editor
- Click Advancedon the "Share with other" window that appears
- In the "invite people" text box, type Supportand select the Flux support option that appears
- Click the can viewoption next to the text box and selectcan edit
- Finally click the Addbutton
- Close that window by clicking doneat the bottom right