Error generating PCB data
in progress
I inserted a wrong value in the "custom pad shape" input text field and now I am not able to continue working on my project because I can't delete the wrong value.
If I check the dev tools of the browser I see that there is this error: 422 (Unprocessable Content)
The guilty http call is:
Request URL:
Request Method:
Status Code:
422 Unprocessable Content
With this payload:
app_id: ur1q6bag
v: 3
g: 1ae733c507f600ca8f5b68eadedc6e62f3bd408e
s: d334996b-0e78-4070-a978-53e89a121f70
platform: web
installation_type: js-snippet
Idempotency-Key: 7a747444bd5a9f64
is_intersection_booted: false
page_title: agalliani/oximeter-band: Oxymeter band is a fitness tracker...
user_active_company_id: -1
user_data: {"email":"","user_id":"K8GBz84146ShVP5ry1pyATdIkDp2","anonymous_id":"7e2f6840-8fda-4170-b43e-eb4134ff8abd"}
event_list: {"data":[{"event_name":"components","metadata":{"action":"view_component_card","componentUid":"b67f50a9-ae5e-10ea-9c3c-d377e2ab3b2d","componentName":"Generic Resistor","projectOwnerHandle":"jharwinbarrozo","surface":"component_library","appVersion":"0.86.0","current_url":"","page_accessed_by_reload":true,"platform":"Win32","user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36","is_bot":"false","jsHeapSizeLimit":2172649472,"totalJSHeapSize":319492360,"usedJSHeapSize":289482772,"client_timestamp":1722508909354,"screen_resolution":"1536x864","native_screen_resolution":"1920x1080","device_pixel_ratio":1.25,"inner_window_resolution":"982x738","environment_type":"production","hosting_provider":"cloudflare","editorMode":"schematic","cameraMode":"two_d","currentUserHasEditPermission":false,"currentUserHasCommentingPermission":false,"webGlDrawCalls":0,"cacheHits":0,"cacheMisses":0,"cacheHitRate":0,"cacheSize":0,"perf_component_count":0,"perf_node_count":0,"perf_layout_count":0}}]}
anonymous_session: ejJSRWczalc5dCtXR3ErNWlHVVJnWEpCcVlWZFowdlVKczNZelA5SWVNN21LRjZ1WjlvWWx1WVA5ODI2VDZRQy0tYWZwc0U0N1JObUhIMmRaSU5rakg2QT09--d3537c88d954e6ae74a889b9da42b88ac8e33247
device_identifier: b0c106a1-e982-416f-b50f-6f58e73978c1
Its response is:
"type": "error.list",
"request_id": "000ieqffd2klq4enpu4g",
"errors": [
"code": "422",
"message": "A user cannot be associated with more than 500 events and the workspace cannot have more than 120 active event names"
The problem is that I
Gretel Bot
in progress
Giulio Zausa
Ciao! Really sorry you are encountering that issue, I'll try to help you as quickly as possible. I would ask you to share the project with our support account but you are not able to do it because of the snackbar, right? Would you be ok with me manually doing it from the backend?
Giulio Zausa Thank you Giulio for your quick reply,
I bypassed the error trying to delete the bugged terminal between a page reload and the other... thus I can now continue working
One suggestion I maybe give you is to prevent the possibility to send special or uncorrect characters in the "shape" input field and improve data sanitization process
Giulio Zausa
Andrea: Yeah totally, we are in the process of improving that right now. Do you by any chance remember which value caused the error for the custom shape? That would help a lot!
Giulio Zausa yes of course
I've written this: 10,,
And then the input field have lost the focus, so that the value has been sent to backend before I could delete it
I am not able to continue working on the project, because the snackbar blocks the possibility to perform every other action