I've been using Flux sometime with no problems at all, but in my recent project, when I access the 2D and 3D PCB editor pages, the CPU usage gets to up to 100%, turning designing quite a difficult task. I have a relative potent PC that, as I said, it presented no problems before. I've checked webGL2 and, when it is disabled ("Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable"), the PCB editor does that, it just hardly responds, but when I enable webGL2 ("hardware accelerated"), the PCB editor turns into a white screen with a "sad face" icon on the top left corner. Additionally, when I refresh the page it tells me to enable webGL2. This is a problem that happens on my PC with all projects on any browser, since I can access to PCB editor easily from my phone or other PCs without noticeable latency and CPU usage below 30% in any project.